These include the LucasArts Official Support Site for patches and updates (See page 4 of this guide), the LucasArts KOTOR 2 Official Forums, the Obsidian KOTOR 2 Forums, and finally this KOTOR 2 Guide written by Kevin Scully. Once you've read the above material, you can try further avenues for support.
You should also read the Readme.txt file which is in the same directory as it has more information and corrections for the game. The troubleshooting guide covers all the known issues and incompatibilies for KOTOR 2 and is a must read. This document is called Troubleshooting Guide.rtf and can found in your \Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\Docs\, along with an electronic copy of the game's manual ( Manual.pdf).
Official & Unofficial Support: If you have a problem with the game, the first thing you should do is read the Official Troubleshooting Guide which comes with KOTOR 2.