Gmail not showing attachments

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Msg=MIMEMultipart('mixed') instead of msg = EmailMessage() but because add_alternative is not a MIMEMultipart method, I cannot do that without changing that part. I've seen some similar issues (or actually the same issue) before, and some solutions suggested using a MIMEMultipart-mixed message object instead of an email one like this:

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With smtplib.SMTP('someIP', port) as smtp: Part = MIMEBase('application', 'octet-stream') So, here's the code: from ssage import EmailMessage I'll post the code here and then add some additional information on what I tried below, to keep this a bit cleaner. This is my second time dealing with emails, the first being mostly copying some code to see if it works, so if you're willing to explain it to me in addition to helping me fix it, I'd appreciate it greatly. I've just joined a project and have been trying to figure why some emails are showing up as they should on Gmail but when I open then with a client like Thunderbird or Outlook the attached PDFs do now show up.Īs an additional detail if I forward the mail from Thunderbird/Tutlook to a Gmail account the attached pdf will appear and if I send it back to the Thunderbird/Outlook - connected account it will again appear, so Gmail fixes something that's wrong in the code.